CABasicAnimation keys
The following is the major animationWithKeyPath
This source is mentioned in a comment on one of the answers, but in the hope that this can be accepted for those in the future who find this question, the correct list as of the date this is posted is this page on apple's docs:
Here are the keypaths listed in those links:
(Unless otherwise noted, CALayer properties use the default CABasicAnimation)
- anchorPoint: CGPoint
- backgroundColor: CGColor?
- backgroundFilters: [CIFilter]? (uses default CATransition, sub-properties of filters are animated using default CABasicAnimation)
- borderColor: CGColor?
- borderWidth: CGFloat
- bounds: CGRect
- compositingFilter: CIFilter? (uses default CATransition, sub-properties of filters are animated using default CABasicAnimation)
- contents: CGImage?
- contentsRect: CGRect
- cornerRadius: CGFloat
- doubleSided: Bool (no default animation)
- filters: __[CIFilter]? (uses default CATransition, sub-properties of filters are animated using default CABasicAnimation)
- frame: CGRect (!!not animatable!! use bounds and position)
- hidden: Bool
- mask: CALayer?
- masksToBounds: Bool
- opacity: Float (0 <= opacity <= 1)
- position: CGPoint
- shadowColor: CGColor?
- shadowOffset: CGSize (default is (0,-3))
- shadowOpacity: Float (0 <= shadowOpacity <= 1)
- shadowPath: CGPath?
- shadowRadius: CGFloat (default is 3)
- sublayers: [CALayer]?
- sublayerTransform: CATransform3D
- transform: CATransform3D
- zPosition: CGFloat
CALayer default implied CABasicAnimation**: duration = 0.25s or duration of current transaction.
CALayer default implied CATransition**: duration = 0.25s or duration of current transaction, type = kCATransitionFade, start progress = 0, end progress = 1
CIFilter (macOS only)
- name: String
- enabled: Bool
- rotation.x: NSNumber (radians)
- rotation.y: NSNumber (radians)
- rotation.z: NSNumber (radians)
- rotation: NSNumber (radians) (identical to rotation.z)
- scale.x: NSNumber
- scale.y: NSNumber
- scale.z: NSNumber
- scale: NSNumber (average of all three scale factors)
- translation.x: NSNumber
- translation.y: NSNumber
- translation.z: NSNumber
- translation: NSValue containing an NSSize or CGSize
- x: CGFloat
- y: CGFloat
- width: CGFloat
- height: CGFloat
- origin: CGPoint
- origin.x: CGFloat
- origin.y: CGFloat
- size: CGSize
- size.width: CGFloat
- size.height: CGFloat