Calculate Age from date stored in database in Y-m-d using Laravel 5.2

I added this code in my Model:

protected $appends = ['age'];

public function getAgeAttribute()
   return Carbon::parse($this->attributes['birthday'])->age;

To show directly in your view:

\Carbon\Carbon::parse($user->birth)->diff(\Carbon\Carbon::now())->format('%y years, %m months and %d days');

Dates can be instances of Carbon, which provides an assortment of helpful methods.

In your model, import the Carbon class:

use Carbon\Carbon;

And define an accessor:

 * Accessor for Age.
public function age()
    return Carbon::parse($this->attributes['birthdate'])->age;

You can then call age as if it was a regular attribute. For example in a blade view:

<p>{{ $user->age() }} years</p>