Calculate the display width of a string in Java
If you just want to use AWT, then use Graphics.getFontMetrics
(optionally specifying the font, for a non-default one) to get a FontMetrics
and then FontMetrics.stringWidth
to find the width for the specified string.
For example, if you have a Graphics
variable called g
, you'd use:
int width = g.getFontMetrics().stringWidth(text);
For other toolkits, you'll need to give us more information - it's always going to be toolkit-dependent.
And now for something completely different. The following assumes arial font, and makes a wild guess based on a linear interpolation of character vs width.
// Returns the size in PICA of the string, given space is 200 and 'W' is 1000.
// see
static int picaSize(String s)
// the following characters are sorted by width in Arial font
String lookup = " .:,;'^`!|jl/\\i-()JfIt[]?{}sr*a\"ce_gFzLxkP+0123456789<=>~qvy$SbduEphonTBCXY#VRKZN%GUAHD@OQ&wmMW";
int result = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < s.length(); ++i)
int c = lookup.indexOf(s.charAt(i));
result += (c < 0 ? 60 : c) * 7 + 200;
return result;
Interesting, but perhaps not very practical.
Use the getWidth method in the following class:
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.geom.*;
import java.awt.font.*;
class StringMetrics {
Font font;
FontRenderContext context;
public StringMetrics(Graphics2D g2) {
font = g2.getFont();
context = g2.getFontRenderContext();
Rectangle2D getBounds(String message) {
return font.getStringBounds(message, context);
double getWidth(String message) {
Rectangle2D bounds = getBounds(message);
return bounds.getWidth();
double getHeight(String message) {
Rectangle2D bounds = getBounds(message);
return bounds.getHeight();
It doesn't always need to be toolkit-dependent or one doesn't always need use the FontMetrics approach since it requires one to first obtain a graphics object which is absent in a web container or in a headless enviroment.
I have tested this in a web servlet and it does calculate the text width.
import java.awt.Font;
import java.awt.font.FontRenderContext;
import java.awt.geom.AffineTransform;
String text = "Hello World";
AffineTransform affinetransform = new AffineTransform();
FontRenderContext frc = new FontRenderContext(affinetransform,true,true);
Font font = new Font("Tahoma", Font.PLAIN, 12);
int textwidth = (int)(font.getStringBounds(text, frc).getWidth());
int textheight = (int)(font.getStringBounds(text, frc).getHeight());
Add the necessary values to these dimensions to create any required margin.