Calculate the number of topologies on {1,2,...,n}
Python, 147 chars
S=lambda i,K:1+sum(0if len(set(j&k for k in K)-K)-1 else S(j+1,K|set(j|k for k in K))for j in range(i,2**N))
print S(1,set([0,2**N-1]))
Quick for N<=6, slow for N=7, unlikely N>=8 will ever complete.
Individual sets are represented by integer bitmasks, and topologies by sets of bitmasks. S(i,K)
computes the number of distinct topologies you can form by starting with K
and adding sets with bitmasks >= i
Haskell, 144 characters
import List
import Monad
f n=sum[1|t<-p$p[1..n],let e=(`elem`t).sort,e[],e[1..n],all e$[union,intersect]`ap`t`ap`t]
Almost a direct implementation of the specification, modulo some monad magic.
Extremely slow for n > 4