Calculating 3d polygons' surface area using ArcGIS Desktop?
Volume group name should be unique on system, by design. Problem occurs when a disk is moved from one system to another.
So you have few options (detailed below)
- Rename the VG externally [not mounted] disk(s).
- Rename the VG of your system (not realistic)
- Merge both volume group into a single one (probably needs to rename first)
Option 1 - Rename the VG externally on the unmounted disk(s)
Use the command vgrename. You need to use vgdisplay or vgs,to retrieve the volume group UUID.
$ vgs -o vg_name,vg_attr,vg_uuid
vg_andromeda wz--n- gc5zhX-vrW9-mEDA-mzNN-kZxf-9nON-1aWwGY
???? ?????? bwQkRq-mgph-9BYf-9WPF-cKz0-FLFq-0Qxs73
$ vgrename bwQkRq-mgph-9BYf-9WPF-cKz0-FLFq-0Qxs73 vg_andromeda_old
$ vgchange -ay vg_andromeda_old
(please, edit/update this post with the actual ouput of the command vgs)
Option 2 - Rename the VG of your system
This is not realistic. You can't rename an active volume group, so you would have to boot on a CD/DVD, rename the VG, and fix your system configuration in various places (fstab, bootloader)...
However, since your installation is fresh, you could reinstall your system with another name.
Option 3 - Merge both volume group into a single one
You could merge both VGs, but it has a few caveats;
- It only makes sense if both drives are meant to remain on the system.
- You can't have two LVs with the same name in a single VG.
- You have an SSD and an HDD, It's recommended to keep them on distinct VG for clarity.
- The vgmerge command seems to only merge two VGs by Name (not UUID), so you have to rename the duplicate VG anyway.