Calculating change in percentage between two numbers (Python)

If you haven't been exposed to the pandas library in Python (, you should definitely check it out.

Doing this is as easy as:

import pandas as pd
prices = [30.4, 32.5, 31.7, 31.2, 32.7, 34.1, 35.8, 37.8, 36.3, 36.3, 35.6]

price_series = pd.Series(prices)

Though definitely not the most elegant way, if you'd like to define a function it would look something like this:

def pctc(Q):
    output = [0]
    for i in range(len(Q)):
        if i > 0:
            increase = Q[i]-Q[i-1]
            percentage = (increase/Q[i]) * 100

There's probably even a better way to do that function, but it's clear at least. :))

Try this:

prices = [30.4, 32.5, 31.7, 31.2, 32.7, 34.1, 35.8, 37.8, 36.3, 36.3, 35.6]

for a, b in zip(prices[::1], prices[1::1]):
    print 100 * (b - a) / a

Edit: If you want this as a list, you could do this:

print [100 * (b - a) / a for a, b in zip(prices[::1], prices[1::1])]

