Calculus Books, preferably Soviet.

A (possibly the) standard classic is: Г. Фихтенгольц. Курс дифференциального и интегрального исчисления. (G. Fichtenholtz. The course of differential and integral calculus.)

I personally like very much the following two courses:

Л. Кудрявцев. Курс математического анализа (L. Kudryavtsev. Mathematical Analysis Course) (there are several editions of, in fact, two related courses - a shorter one of two books, and a longer one of three books);

V. Zorich: Mathematical Analysis (the best existing MA course in opinion of V. Arnold).

I would like to recommend "Problems in Mathematical Analysis Hardcover" – 1989 by Boris Demidovich (Editor), G. Yankovsky (Translator). This is a wonderful problem book which has lots of challenging problems. Another wonderful book is "Differential and integral calculus" by Grigorii Mikhailovich Fichtenholz.

I'd like to suggest 'Introductory real Analysis' and 'Elements of the Theory of Functions and Functional Analysis ' both by A.N.Kolmogorov