Calendar table for Data Warehouse

quarter of year
year_quarter (2013-3)
month of year
year_month (2013-08)
week of year
week of month
day of year
day of quarter
day of month
day of week

  • Quarter
  • Year
  • Financial/Accounting Year
  • Financial/Accounting Quarter
  • isWeekend
  • isWeekday
  • isWorkDay
  • WeekId (weeks since start of year)
  • isLastDayofMonth
  • DaysSince (e.g. days since 1/1/2000)

This is my list of possible columns in calendar dimension:

  • Key
  • Date
  • Is Yesterday
  • Is Today
  • Is Tomorrow
  • Day of Year
  • Day of Halfyear
  • Day of Quarter
  • Day of Month
  • Day of Week
  • Day of Week Short Name
  • Day of Week Short Name CS
  • Day of Week Long Name
  • Day of Week Long Name CS
  • Days in Week
  • Days in Month
  • Days in Quarter
  • Days in Halfyear
  • Days in Year
  • Reverse Day of Week
  • Reversse Day of Month
  • Reverse Day of Quarter
  • Reverse Day of Halfyear
  • Reverse Day of Year
  • Is Last 7 days
  • Is Last 14 days
  • Is Last 30 days
  • Is Last 90 Days
  • Is Last 180 Days
  • Is Last 365 Days
  • Is Weekday
  • Is Weekend
  • Workday of Week
  • Workday of Month
  • Workday of Quarter
  • Workday of Halfyear
  • Workday of Year
  • Reverse Workday of Week
  • Reverse Workday of Month
  • Reverse Workday of Quarter
  • Reverse Workday of Halfyear
  • Reverse Workday of Year
  • Workdays in Week
  • Workdays in Month
  • Workdays in Quarter
  • Workdays in Halfyear
  • Workdays in Year
  • Is Last Workday in Week
  • Is Last Workday in Month
  • Is Workday
  • Is Holiday
  • Is Future
  • Is Past
  • Is Previous Month
  • Is Current Month
  • Is Following Month
  • Is Month to Date
  • Is Beginning of Month
  • Is End of Month
  • Is Past Month
  • Beginning of Month
  • End of Month
  • Month Number
  • Month Name Long
  • Month Name Long CS
  • Month Name Short
  • Month Name Short CS
  • Month of Quarter
  • Month of Halfyear
  • Is Previous Week
  • Is Current Week
  • Is Following Week
  • Is Week to Date
  • Is Beginning of Week
  • Is End of Week
  • Is Past Week
  • Beginning of Week
  • End of Week
  • Week Number
  • Week Name Long
  • Week Name Short
  • Week of Month
  • Is Previous Quarter
  • Is Current Quarter
  • Is Following Quarter
  • Is Quarter to Date
  • Is Beginning of Quarter
  • Is End of Quarter
  • Is Past Quarter
  • Beginning of Quarter
  • End of Quarter
  • Quarter Number
  • Quarter Name Long
  • Quarter Name Long CS
  • Quarter Name Short
  • Is Previous Halfyear
  • Is Current Halfyear
  • Is Following Halfyear
  • Is Halfyear to Date
  • Is Beginning of Halfyear
  • Is End of Halfyear
  • Is Past Halfyear
  • Beginning of Halfyear
  • End of Halfyear
  • Halfyear Number
  • Halfyear Name Long
  • Halfyear Name Long CS
  • Halfyear Name Short
  • Is Previous Year
  • Is Current Year
  • Is Following Year
  • Is Year to Date
  • Is Beginning of Year
  • Is End of Year
  • Is Past Year
  • Beginning of Year
  • End of Year
  • Year Number
  • Year Name Long
  • Year Name Short
  • Year Quarter Text
  • Year Month Day
  • Year Halfyear
  • Year Quarter
  • Year Month
  • Year Day of Year
  • Is Leap Year
  • Distance in Days from Today
  • Distance in Working Days from Today
  • Distance in Calendar Weeks from Today
  • Distance in Calendar Months from Today
  • Distance in Calendar Quarters from Today
  • Distance in Calendar Halfyears from Today
  • Distance in Calendar Years from Today
  • Nth Day of Week in Month
  • Reverse Nth Day of Week in Month

I created interactive spreadsheet where you can create your own time dimension for PostgreSQL database.

Well Raj More, Its a nice Post and very helpful script for Creating a calender, The Other fields which you can include in the same table may be- 1) QuateroftheYear 2) IsWeekend 3) IsWeekday