call a class python code example

Example 1: call instance class python

# define class
class example:
# define __call__ function
   def __call__(self):
       print("It worked!")
# create instance
g = example()
# when attempting to call instance of class it will call the __class method
# prints It worked!

Example 2: call a function from another class python

class A:
    def method1(arg1, arg2):
        # do code here

class B:

Example 3: python call function in the same class

# Add the argument ".self" before your function's name --> line 12

class ThisClass:
  	def __init__(self):
  		self.a_random_arg = a_random_arg
    def FirstDef(self):
   		[Here my function]
    def SecondDef(self):
    	if self.FirsDef:


Misc Example