call a function python code example

Example 1: python functions

def myFunction(say): #you can add variables to the function


age = input("How old are you?")

myFunction("You are {} years old!".format(age))

#this is what you get:

How old are you?
>>11 #lol my real age actually
You are 11 years old!

Example 2: how to define function in python

def example():			#This defines it
  print("Example.")		#This is the defined commands

example()				#And this is the commands being run

Example 3: python functions

# first we have to write 'def'
# then our function name followed by ()
# and a ':' abd defining  block of code

def multiply():     # naming convention could be same as variable for functions
    product = 10.5 * 4
    return product

product = multiply()

Example 4: python functions

def chess_piece(piece_name, piece_value, piece_rank):
    """Info about a chess piece."""
    print(f"\nThis chess piece is called the {piece_name}.")
    print(f"It has an approximate value of {piece_value} points.")
    print(f"In other words, this piece is the {piece_rank} valuable piece.")
chess_piece('pawn', '1', 'least')
chess_piece('knight', '3', 'second to last most')
chess_piece('bishop', '3', 'third to last most')
chess_piece('rook', '5', 'third most')
chess_piece('queen', '9', 'second most')
chess_piece('king', 'infinite', 'most')

Example 5: how to call a function in python

def func():
  print(" to write statement  here  and call by a function ")
// Returns

Example 6: functions in python

#Functions are followed by the 'def' keyword
#Name your function
def myfunc():
  a = 'This is a func'
#Calling the function  