Sharepoint - Call entire User Information List from REST api

Some options to do this:

  1. Use Listdata.svc:
    http://SiteURL/_vti_bin/listdata.svc/UserInformationList. This returns all the items.
  2. Use $top=5000:
    http://SiteURL/_api/Web/SiteUserInfoList/items?$top=5000. This will return all items within the threshold limit.
  3. Use GetItems
    This is a POST request where you can use an empty CAML query to return all the items. Please note that JSON format is default for this and it won't return in XML.

    Request would be like below:

    http://SiteURL/_api/Web/lists/getbytitle('User Information List')/getitems

    Accept: application/json; odata=verbose X-RequestDigest: RequestDigest Content-Type: application/json; odata=verbose
    CAML query:
    { "query" : {"__metadata": {"type": "SP.CamlQuery" } , "ViewXml": "<View><Query></Query></View>" } }

