"// Call our database and ask for a subset of the user posts" code example

Example: "// Call our database and ask for a subset of the user posts"

// screens/FeedScreen.jsimport firebase from 'firebase';import React, { Component } from 'react';import { LayoutAnimation, RefreshControl } from 'react-native';import List from '../components/List';import Fire from '../Fire';// Set the default number of images to load for each pagination.const PAGE_SIZE = 5;export default class FeedScreen extends Component {  state = {    loading: false,    posts: [],    data: {},  };  componentDidMount() {    // Check if we are signed in...    if (Fire.shared.uid) {      // If we are, then we can get the first 5 posts      this.makeRemoteRequest();    } else {      // If we aren't then we should just start observing changes. This will be called when the user signs in      firebase.auth().onAuthStateChanged(user => {        if (user) {          this.makeRemoteRequest();        }      });    }  }  // Append the item to our states `data` prop  addPosts = posts => {    this.setState(previousState => {      let data = {        ...previousState.data,        ...posts,      };      return {        data,        // Sort the data by timestamp        posts: Object.values(data).sort((a, b) => a.timestamp < b.timestamp),      };    });  };  // Call our database and ask for a subset of the user posts  makeRemoteRequest = async lastKey => {    // If we are currently getting posts, then bail out..    if (this.state.loading) {      return;    }    this.setState({ loading: true });    // The data prop will be an array of posts, the cursor will be used for pagination.    const { data, cursor } = await Fire.shared.getPaged({      size: PAGE_SIZE,      start: lastKey,    });    this.lastKnownKey = cursor;    // Iteratively add posts    let posts = {};    for (let child of data) {      posts[child.key] = child;    }    this.addPosts(posts);    // Finish loading, this will stop the refreshing animation.    this.setState({ loading: false });  };  // Because we want to get the most recent items, don't pass the cursor back.  // This will make the data base pull the most recent items.  _onRefresh = () => this.makeRemoteRequest();  // If we press the "Load More..." footer then get the next page of posts  onPressFooter = () => this.makeRemoteRequest(this.lastKnownKey);  render() {    // Let's make everything purrty by calling this method which animates layout changes.    LayoutAnimation.easeInEaseOut();    return (      <List        refreshControl={          <RefreshControl            refreshing={this.state.loading}            onRefresh={this._onRefresh}          />        }        onPressFooter={this.onPressFooter}        data={this.state.posts}      />    );  }}


Misc Example