Call super class constructor in Kotlin, Super is not an expression

You can also move your primary constructor down into the class like this:

data class Account: Entity {
    constructor(): super()
    constructor(var name: String? = null, var accountFlags: Int? = null): super()
    constructor(entity: Entity) : super(entity)

Advantage of this is, compiler will not require your secondary constructor to call primary constructor.

You have a couple of problems in your code.

First, this is the correct syntax, to call a super constructor from a secondary constructor:

constructor(entity: Entity) : super(entity)

Second, you can't call a super constructor from a secondary constructor if your class has a primary constructor (which your class does).

Solution 1

abstract class Entity(
        var id: String,
        var created: Date

class Account(
        var name: String,
        var accountFlags: Int,
        id: String,
        created: Date
) : Entity(id, created) {
    constructor(account: Account) : this(, account.accountFlags,, account.created)

Here, the copy constructor is in the child class which just delegates to the primary constructor.

Solution 2

abstract class Entity(
        var id: String,
        var created: Date
) {
    constructor(entity: Entity) : this(, entity.created)

class Account : Entity {
    var name: String
    var accountFlags: Int

    constructor(name: String, accountFlags: Int, id: String, created: Date) : super(id, created) { = name
        this.accountFlags = accountFlags

    constructor(account: Account) : super(account) { =
        this.accountFlags = account.accountFlags

Here I'm only using secondary constructors in the child class which lets me delegate them to individual super constructors. Notice how the code is pretty long.

Solution 3 (most idiomatic)

abstract class Entity {
    abstract var id: String
    abstract var created: Date

data class Account(
        var name: String,
        var accountFlags: Int,
        override var id: String,
        override var created: Date
) : Entity()

Here I omitted the copy constructors and made the properties abstract so the child class has all the properties. I also made the child class a data class. If you need to clone the class, you can simply call account.copy().

