callback in javascript example
Example 1: javascript callback
A callback function is a function passed into another function
as an argument, which is then invoked inside the outer function
to complete some kind of routine or action.
function greeting(name) {
alert('Hello ' + name);
function processUserInput(callback) {
var name = prompt('Please enter your name.');
// The above example is a synchronous callback, as it is executed immediately.
Example 2: callback function js
function greeting(name) {
alert('Hello ' + name);
function processUserInput(callback) {
var name = prompt('Please enter your name.');
Example 3: javascript callback function
// Callback Example 1: note, fn=function
In JavaScript, callback fn is:
- a function based into another functions as an argument to be
executed LATER
- would be a Synchronous OR Asynchronous callback.
- hint:
Synchronous: processing from top to bottom,
stop until current code finished.
Asynchronous: no wait, process the next block if there
let numbers = [1, 2, 4, 7, 3, 5, 6];
/* To find all the odd numbers in the array,
you can use the filter() method of the Array object.
- The filter() method creates a new array with the elements that
pass the test implemented by a fn.
- The following test fn returns true if a number is an odd
number: */
function isOddNumber(number) { //to be the callback fn
return number % 2;
// callback fn passed into another fn by its reference, No ()
const oddNumbers = numbers.filter(isOddNumber);
console.log(oddNumbers); // [ 1, 7, 3, 5 ]