Calling C# events from outside the owning class?

You just need to add a public method for invoking the event. Microsoft already does this for some events such as PerformClick for controls that expose a Click event.

public class CustomGUIElement    
    public void PerformClick()

    protected virtual void OnClick(EventArgs e)
        if (Click != null)
            Click(this, e);

You would then do the following inside your example event handler...

public void CustomForm_Click(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)        

The event keyword in c# modifies the declaration of the delegate. It prevents direct assignment to the delegate (you can only use += and -= on an event), and it prevents invocation of the delegate from outside the class.

So you could alter your code to look like this:

public class CustomGUIElement
    public MouseEventHandler Click;
    // etc, and so forth.

Then you can invoke the event from outside the class like this.


The drawback is that code using the class can overwrite any registered handlers very easily with code like this:

myCustomGUIElement.Click = null;

which is not allowed if the Click delegate is declared as an event.