Calling NSStringFromClass on a Swift Class in Objective-C returns module mangled name


Just put @objc(YourClassName) in your swift class:


class YourClassName: NSObject {


And you can use NSStringFromClass like this:


It should also work from Objective-C then.


With Swift 2.1 a comment to this answer states that this is sufficient:

class YourClassName: NSObject {


And just use:

var str = String(YourClassName)

I have not tested this from Objective-C code myself though.

There's been a edit-suggestions that want to use this instead for Swift 4:

var str = String(describing: YourClassName.self)

I've not tested this from Objective-C though.

The reason you get "Bar.Foo" is because swift is a namespace language. I'm assuming the application you were running this in was named Bar. Hence you may get your class name using the following:

let nameSpaceClassName = NSStringFromClass(Foo)
let className = nameSpaceClassName.componentsSeparatedByString(".").last! as String


The above is an extremely old answer that should be changed based on more recent introductions in the Swift library (from 3 and 4 at least). Note the following use of the Mirroring interfaces to properly extract a class's metadata:

import Foundation

/// A protocol that provides demangled information regarding core Swift structure naming components in a usable way.
public protocol StructureNameReflectable {
     An ordered list of domain named based components for the structure.
     - Example: A simple example would be:
     class Dog: NSObject {
        class Retriever: NSOjbect {}
     let retriever = Retriever()
     `retriever.structuredName` would output `["Dog", "Retriever"]`
    static var structureNameComponents: [String] { get }
    ///Outputs the structure's name in a string based form minus namespacing
    static var structureName: String { get }
    ///Outputs the structure's name in a string based form with namespacing
    static var namespacedStructureName: String { get }
    ///Outputs the bundle the structure is contained in
    static var bundle: Bundle { get }

extension StructureNameReflectable {
    public static var structureNameComponents: [String] {
        let type = Mirror(reflecting: self).subjectType
        let structureNameComponents = "\(type)".components(separatedBy: ".")
        return structureNameComponents
    public static var structureName: String {
        var structureNameComponents = self.structureNameComponents
        if structureNameComponents.count > 1 && structureNameComponents.last == "Type" {

        return structureNameComponents.last!
    public static var namespacedStructureName: String {
        return structureNameComponents.joined(separator: ".")

extension StructureNameReflectable where Self: NSObject {
    public static var bundle: Bundle {
        return Bundle(for: self)
    public static var className: String {
        return structureName

extension NSObject: StructureNameReflectable { }

Hopefully the above will give guidance for the consistently improper use of String(describing:).

In objective-c your best option is:

NSString *yourCellName = NSStringFromClass([yourCell class]).pathExtension;