Calling Optional#isPresent() in single line is reported as not called

Sonarqube cannot guarantee that the two calls to id.asInteger() returns the same object, e.g. because multi-threading might have changed the value of id between the two calls, so it is correctly stating that the presence hasn't been adequately tested.

Change code to assign to a local variable first, to ensure that isPresent() and get() are called on the same object:

private boolean isValidId(Id id) {
    Optional<Integer> idAsInteger = id.asInteger();
    return idAsInteger.isPresent() && idAsInteger.get() >= BASE_ID;

You can write that as a single statement btw:

return id.asInteger()
         .map(x -> x >= BASE_ID)

but sonar complaining is because well it's a false positive in this case.