Can a paid app be tested in alpha/beta for free

I've had the same problem and contacted the google support, the result was: If you want to let your testers test the app for free, you have to create a free clone of the paid app.

You can find the full question and answer below.


Is it possible to offer a paid app for free to alpha/beta test users without creating a free clone of the app?


Thanks for contacting Google Play Developer support about Beta Testing. Please note that once you've set the price of an application, you can change it at any time. However, once you’ve published an application for free, you cannot change it to be priced at a later time. Currently, this means Alpha and Beta versions will have to be at least $0.99 if you want to charge for the app when it goes to Production. Alpha/Beta testers will be charged for this amount. We do this to prevent users who download a free app from being charged during future updates or failing a licensing check when running the app.

If you'd like to sell an application that was previously published as free, you'll need to upload a new APK and add a price. While you will be unable to upload the same package name again, you will be able to upload a slight variation on the original package name. As an alternative, you may also implement in-app billing for your free app.

We hope this helps answer your question. If we can assist you further, please let us know.

Regards, ... Google Play Developer Support

Update: You can use promo codes to allow testers to access your paid app for free:

Given the date on the initial post, Google may have updated this.

You don't have to pay as a tester but this is not clear until you have already clicked the instal option. Then it will tell you that this is a test transaction and you will not be charged.

The answer is that, yes, you can allow beta testers to test a paid app without paying, but it requires you to create a new Promo in the Developer Console, with one promo code for each beta tester.

So if, for example, you expect to have not more than 10 beta testers that you will ask to test your app (without paying for it), then you would create a new promo with 10 codes, and provide one code to each of your testers.

Don't forget to include a code for yourself, too, so you can install the program/test it on your own device for free (without having to do so via ADB).

You can email them a promo code to download the app for free even from the alpha or beta channels.

It is available in the Google play console under user acquisition ... Promotion