can abstract class have non abstract methods in java code example

Example 1: What are abstract methods in java

An abstract method is the method which does’nt have any body. 
Abstract method is declared with
keyword abstract and semicolon in place of method body.

  public abstract void <method name>();
Ex : public abstract void getDetails();
It is the responsibility of subclass to provide implementation to 
abstract method defined in abstract class

Example 2: write a program in which an abstract class is being defined containg an abstract method omputer(int a, int b) and a non abstract method as well

abstract class Sum{
   public abstract int compute(int a, int b);
   public void disp(){
	System.out.println("Method of class Sum");
class Demo extends Sum{

   public int compute(int a, int b){
	return a+b;
   public static void main(String args[]){
	Sum obj = new Demo();
	System.out.println(obj.compute(3, 7));

Example 3: can abstract class have non abstract methods in java

abstract class AbstractDemo { // Abstract class
   private int i = 0;
   public void display() { // non-abstract method
      System.out.print("Welcome to Tutorials Point");
public class InheritedClassDemo extends AbstractDemo {
   public static void main(String args[]) {
      AbstractDemo demo = new InheritedClassDemo();

Example 4: can you declare an abstract method in a non abstract class

No. A normal class(non-abstract class) cannot have abstract methods.

Example 5: can abstract class have implementation java

abstract classes have no implementation of functions methods inside it which declared as abstract methods. classes which are inheriting it have to overriden it. and final absract class can not be overriden


Java Example