Can and does the compiler optimize out two atomic loads?

Neither GCC (6.3) nor Clang (3.9) currently optimizes the two loads into one.

The only way to know is to look at the generated assembly:

Can the compiler optimize away atomic loads?

Your implementation of run1() can be safely optimized to

void run1() {
    auto a = atomic_var.load(std::memory_order_relaxed);
    auto b = a;
   // Some code using a and b;

In the original program the two loads could possibly be adjacent to each other in the total order of accesses on atomic_var every time run1() is called. In that case the adjacent load() operations would return the same result.

Since that possibility cannot be excluded, the compiler is allowed to optimize away the second load(). This can be done for any memory order argument, not just for relaxed atomics.

For run2() it depends. You didn't specify /*some conditions*/. If there's something, that might have a visible side effect on the atomic variable (like an opaque function call or accessing a volatile variable, etc.) then this cannot be optimized away. Otherwise it might be possible.

Does the compiler optimize out two atomic loads?

Depends on your compiler. And possibly on the compiler options you passed in. Possibly it depends on your platform. There is some debate going on, on whether compilers should optimize atomics. There is N4455 No Sane Compiler Would Optimize Atomics and this video as a start on the topic.

GCC and clang don't optimize the two load() operations onto one at the moment.