Can gitconfig options be set conditionally?
The [include]
section learned by git-config in v1.7.9 gets you most of the way there.
While it doesn't let you write runtime conditionals, it does give you a framework for refactoring your ~/.gitconfig
into several parts: the shared section, and the env-specific sections. After that, you can symlink something like ~/.gitconfig.local
to the relevant env-specific config file, and include ~/.gitconfig.local
from ~/.gitconfig
The symlinking part can be scripted and done automatically as part of your dotfiles' init script.
From the command line, that include path can be added via:
git config --global include.path '~/.gitconfig.local'
I use the quotes above specifically to prevent the shell from expanding ~
to an absolute path.
That adds the following section to your ~/.gitconfig
path = ~/.gitconfig.local
Here's a snippet from the git-scm book showing the general format:
path = /path/to/ ; include by absolute path
path = foo ; expand "foo" relative to the current file
path = ~/foo ; expand "foo" in your $HOME directory
I don't think you can do this, but instead of maintaining your .gitconfig
file, how about maintaining a script that generates your .gitconfig
file? That way you can do whatever you want, based not only on variables but also on the output of commands and whatever...
if [ "$#" -eq 0 ]
case "$1" in
echo "value $1 not supported" >&2
# config for both remote and local
git config --global color.ui true
git config --global '!pwd -L'
# config for remote
if [ "$IS_REMOTE" ]
git config --global core.editor vim
git config --global core.editor 'subl -n -w'
So, if you call the script without parameters, or with the 'local' parameter, it will generate some configuration to your .gitconfig
file, while if you pass the 'remote' parameter to it, it will generate some others.
You can conditionally include another Git config file based on your Git directory or branch in Git 2.13 and later.
Put your default configuration in file ~/.gitconfig
as usual. At the end, conditionally include another configuration file:
email = [email protected]
name = John McGehee
# All work Git repositories are in a subdirectory of ~/work.
# All other Git repositories are outside ~/work.
[includeIf "gitdir:~/work/"]
path =
Then, in ~/
add or override configuration values you want when using a repository located in ~/work
or any subdirectory thereof:
email = [email protected]
You can observe the difference by changing to a Git directory under ~/work
, and running:
git config
Try the same command in a Git directory that is not under ~/work
No, Git config does not support checks or conditional statements. But your underlying shell probably does, so you can use something like:
editor = "if [[ $IS_REMOTE -eq 1 ]]; then ED='vim'; else ED='subl -n -w'; fi; $ED"
If you need to do something more complicated than that, you could just throw the shell code into a script, of course, like
editor = ""
containing something like:
if [[ $IS_REMOTE -eq 1 ]]; then
ED="subl -n -w"
$ED some argument or other
Edit: The
would have to be in the $PATH, of course :)