can I access ssh server by using another ssh server as intermediary

If you have OpenSSH 7.3p1 or later, you can tell it to use server1 as a jump host in a single command:

ssh -J server1 server2

See fcbsd’s answer for older versions.

You need to use ssh port forwarding and depending on what you want you either want the -L option or the -R option.

ssh server1 -g -L 2222:server2:22

the -g allows remote hosts to connect to local forwarded ports, and the -L sets up a connection on server1 port 2222 to connect to server2 port 22.

Thus on server1 ssh localhost -p 2222 will connect you to server2.

If you have problems use -vvv that will help give lots of debugging output.

The -R sets up a reverse tunnel, so connections on the remote host are forward to the local side.