Can I change text color in bar graphs based on the underlying bar color?
BarChart[numbers, BaseStyle -> Directive[FontFamily -> font, FontSize -> 13],
ChartStyle -> 10, ImageSize -> 560, BarOrigin -> Left,
ChartLabels -> Placed[languages, After],
LabelingFunction -> (Placed[
Style[#, If[Plus @@ ColorData[10, Last[#2]] < 1.5, White, Black]], Center] &),
AxesLabel -> {"", "millions\nof speakers"}]
An alternative placement of the numbers:
BarChart[numbers, BaseStyle -> Directive[FontFamily -> font, FontSize -> 13],
ChartStyle -> 10, ImageSize -> 560, BarOrigin -> Left,
ChartLabels -> Placed[languages, After],
LabelingFunction -> (Placed[
Style[#, If[Plus @@ ColorData[10, Last[#2]] < 1.5, White, Black]], Left] &),
AxesLabel -> {"", "millions\nof speakers"}]
BarChart[numbers, BaseStyle -> Directive[FontFamily -> font, FontSize -> 13],
ChartStyle -> 10, ImageSize -> 560, BarOrigin -> Left,
ChartLabels -> Placed[languages, After],
LabelingFunction -> (Placed[
Style[#, If[Plus @@ ColorData[10, Last[#2]] < 1.5, White, Black]],
{0 + 2/3*Min[numbers]/#, 0.5}] &),
AxesLabel -> {"", "millions\nof speakers"}]
BarChart[numbers, BaseStyle -> Directive[FontFamily -> font, FontSize -> 13],
ChartStyle -> 10, ImageSize -> 560, BarOrigin -> Left,
ChartLabels -> Placed[languages, After],
LabelingFunction -> (Placed[
Style[#, If[Plus @@ ColorData[10, Last[#2]] < 1.5, White, Black]]}], Left] &),
AxesLabel -> {"", "millions\nof speakers"}]
BaseStyle -> Directive[FontFamily -> font, FontSize -> 13],
ChartStyle -> 10, ImageSize -> 560, BarOrigin -> Left,
ChartLabels -> Placed[{languages}, {{{1, 0.5}, {-0.2, 0.5}}}, # &],
AxesLabel -> {"", "millions\nof speakers"},
LabelingFunction -> (Placed[Panel[#1, FrameMargins -> 0], Center] &)]