Can I give a title tag a color and different font?

Answer is NO you cannot do that in any cannot apply any styles to page title, btw you can just blink the titles

Blinking Titles

More Info On CSS Which You Are Using:

If you are declaring something like this

title{ color: red; font: 12px tahoma;} 

You don't need to define any class as you are targeting specific title tag which is only 1 in your whole document

And if you are using .title than your CSS should be

.title{ color: red; font: 12px tahoma;} 

The previous answers are correct, but, you can sort of get different fonts if they are defined in unicode. I don't know how to explore this, but, for example, there's the regularly written word javascript and then there's this title I coped from source code: 𝚓𝚊𝚟𝚊𝚜𝚌𝚛𝚒𝚙𝚝 - notice how they are slightly different.

Regular without code delimiters: javascript

Reddits title without code delimiters: 𝚓𝚊𝚟𝚊𝚜𝚌𝚛𝚒𝚙𝚝

You can copy past these characters anywhere and they are going to look different, because they are technically _different characters. There's a and then there's 𝚊 - I grabbed this from the javascript word I previously pasted.

I don't know where these characters came from. I don't know how to type them. I don't know where one could copy paste them from.

But it proves an interesting point - any emoji can be used in these titles, you can copy paste from




