Can I give predefined values to section numbers?

Use a couple of \setcounter intructions, operating on the counter variable called section.

enter image description here


\setcounter{section}{2} % so that the next section is numbered "3"

\setcounter{section}{4} % so that the next section is numbered "5"
\section{Sixth} % no need to set the 'section' counter variable for this section 


Expand this to your needs adding more \or<number> bits as needed.


\newcommand{\fancynumbering}[1]{\expandafter\@fancynumbering\csname c@#1\endcsname}





enter image description here

A possibly cleaner interface:


  \clist_const:cn { c_typos_#1_clist } { #2 }
   { \int_use:c { c@#2 } > \clist_count:c { c_typos_#1_clist } }
   { \use:c { @ctrerr } }
   { \clist_item:cn { c_typos_#1_clist } { \int_use:c { c@#2 } } }





The last section will raise an error.

There's an easier method, but the above ones have the advantage of using the standard markup.






