Can I override inline !important?

You can not override inline CSS having !important, because it has higher precedence, but, using JavaScript, you can achieve what you want.

You cannot override inline style having !important. First preference is inline style.

For eg: we have a class


and in jsp

<div class="styleT" id="inputT" style="padding-left:0px;">

here doesn't take the padding-left:4px; .It takes class styleT except the padding-left:4px;. There will be padding-left:0px;.

Let me begin by saying that generally inline styles can be overridden:

.override {color:red !important;}
<p style="color:blue;">I will be blue</p>
<p style="color:blue;" class="override">But I will be red</p>

This behavior is described in W3 specs, where it is stated that !important declarations do not alter the specificity, but rather take precedence over "normal" declarations.

That being said, when conflicting rules both have the !important flag, specificity dictates that an inline rule is applied - meaning that for OP's scenario, there's no way to override an inline !important.

You cannot override inline CSS if it has !important. It has higher precedence than the style in your external CSS file.

However, if you want it to change some actions later on, you can use a bit of JavaScript.