Can I transfer files alo copy paste in Remmina (or another RDP client) on 13.04 while connected to a Windows 7?

You can do it with FreeRDP (freerdp-x11 package) via terminal:

xfreerdp +drives /u:username /v:server_address:server_port

+drives tells FreeRDP to connect all your local drives.

If you dont have it you can install it:

sudo apt-get install freerdp-x11

Thank you @betatester07 for this +drives hint! My hints below:

  • You can also use /drive:name,mountpoint directive to provide only a given path to a remote client :-)
  • You can put all parameters into a text file (i.e. ~/client.rdp with each parameter into single line) to have your favorite configuration stored and quickly accessed:

Now you can now simply connect each time with:

xfreerdp ~/client.rdp

Tested on FreeBSD :-)