Can I use javascript to force the browser to "flush" any pending layout changes?

My understanding is that reading any of the CSS properties will force a reflow. You should not need to setTimeout at all.

Excerpt from Rendering: repaint, reflow/relayout, restyle:

But sometimes the script may prevent the browser from optimizing the reflows, and cause it to flush the queue and perform all batched changes. This happens when you request style information, such as

 offsetTop, offsetLeft, offsetWidth, offsetHeight
 getComputedStyle(), or currentStyle in IE

All of these above are essentially requesting style information about a node, and any time you do it, the browser has to give you the most up-to-date value. In order to do so, it needs to apply all scheduled changes, flush the queue, bite the bullet and do the reflow.

Here's a list of the API calls/properties that will trigger a reflow.

(This answer used to link to a site that 404s now. Here's a link to it in the wayback machine.)

We encountered a crazy problem with IE8 (Firefox, Chrome are fine). We use toggleClass('enoMyAddressesHide') on child element.


But the parent(s) div container does not refresh/re-layout its height.

setTimeout(), read position, read width and height of element do not help. Finally we can find out a working solution:

jQuery(document).ready(function ($) {
    var RefreshIE8Layout = function () {
        $('.enoAddressBook:first').css('height', 'auto');
        var height = $('.enoAddressBook:first').height();
        $('.enoAddressBook:first').css('height', height);

    $(".enoRowAddressInfo .enoRowAddressInfoArea ul li img.enoMyAddresses").click(function () {

        RefreshIE8Layout(); // fix IE8 bug, not refresh the DOM dimension after using jQuery to manipulate DOM

It looks stupid, but it works!