Can I use Thread Sanitizer for OpenMP programs?

even with the suppression you will still get false positives on the OpenMP runtime because there are some synchronization mechanism within the runtime that Tsan is not able to understand.

We worked on the OpenMP runtime to make Tsan understand this synchronization points and remove all the false positives.

Take a look to this project:

Let me know if you need more help.



Yes, at least with Clang this is relatively easy. You'll need to build libomp (which Clang uses instead of libgomp) with ThreadSanitizer support. This doesn't take that long:

git clone
cd llvm-project
mkdir build
cd build
cmake -DLIBOMP_TSAN_SUPPORT=1 ../openmp
sudo cmake --build . --target install

(sudo and --target install is optional if you adjust the path to below)

Now running your example works without any errors if you use this instead of the system one:

clang++ -fsanitize=thread -fopenmp main.cpp
env LD_PRELOAD=/usr/local/lib/ ./a.out