Can JavaFX natively show OS notifications?

For anyone coming to this question in 2020, here's a stab at showing native OS notifications working with JavaFX:

As noted in the sample, OS native notifications are best if the app is in the background - use ControlsFX notifications if the app is in the foreground.

This works on macOS Big Sur, should also work on Windows.

[Edit 1/5/21] Here is a project that also will help with this:

Apparently javaFx Still doesn't provide way to show tray notifications, but you can use 3rd party library to achieve your goal .


    String title = "Congratulations sir";
    String message = "You've successfully created your first Tray Notification";

    Notification notification = Notifications.SUCCESS;
    TrayNotification tray = new TrayNotification(title, message, notification);

enter image description here

* * * * * * * *


              .title("Title Text")
              .text("Hello World 0!")

enter image description here