Can Mathematica do symbolic linear algebra?
Initially, Mathematica is not designed for such abstract calculations.
But, Mathematica is a powerful programming language, so that one can add such functionality easily.
See the following examples in related area of differential geometry:
- calculations in symbolic dimensions
- Abstract calculations
Indeed this is a one liner in NCAlgebra:
<< NC`
<< NCAlgebra`
NCGrad[1/2 (x ** z - y)^T ** (x ** z - y), z]
which results in
-y^T ** x + z^T ** x^T ** x
I am not sure, but maybe this software for Mathematica could somehow help. The software is for a package called NCAlgebra developed by UC San Diego. I am not familiar with the detailed usage, but it claims to implement capability to study noncommutative inequalities, linear controls, and semidefinite programming within Mathmeatica.