Can maven handle custom qualifiers?

These examples will work fine.

Qualifiers have no special meaning other than:

  • SNAPSHOT, which gets transformed into the correct timestamp / build number
  • solely numerical values, which are actually a build number instead of a qualifier (and considered newer than the corresponding base version)

All qualifiers are considered to be older than the associated release, i.e. 1.2-beta-1 < 1.2

Comparison of qualifiers is done as a string comparison. This behaviour can differ in Maven 2.x and Maven 3.x (in the former, 1.0-beta-10 < 1.0-beta-5, in the latter it behaves in the reverse as you'd expect).

The 2011 answer is now obsolete in many important details. See the Javadoc on and the Wiki link there for the current version processing logic.

c.f. How does maven sort version numbers? for commentary on the Javadoc for ComparableVersion.