Can't clone remote git repository with EGit

It sounds like Egit is looking for an ssl certificate and refusing to function without it. A good fix to make the problem go away and stay away: Window→Preferences→Team→Git→Configuration→New Entry→http.sslverify=false.

That should take care of it.

Adding .git to the repository url worked for me.

This worked for me.

1) In Eclipse, Window -> Preferences -> General -> Network Connections -> SSH2 (Or else just type SSH2 on search filter). Go to "Key Management" tab. Click on "Generate RSA Key". You can now see the generated key information. Copy this generated key. Keep this window open and do step 2.

2) Go to GitHub account.Click on your profile -> Manage Account -> SSH keys -> Add key. Now Paste the previously copied key and then "Add key".

3) Now go back to eclipse Preferences window. Click "Save Private Key" to save RSA key to a file. By defaults this will be saved to Users\user_name\.ssh directory. Providing Passphrase is optional here.

That's all, Now restart Eclipse and clone the repository.



