Can't make parabola without including the tip
Easiest solution is to draw two parabolas, one upside down, and clip them both to just show the parts above your line:
\draw (-5,0)--(5,0);
\clip (-5,0) rectangle (5,6);
\draw (-4,6) parabola bend (0,-2) (4,6);
\draw (-4,-6) parabola bend (0,2) (4,-6);
Another simple solution is use the plot
function and define parabola accordingly:
\draw (-5,0)--(5,0);
\draw[semithick, red] plot [domain=-2:2] (2*\x,{abs(\x*\x-1)});
Or with declaring function in tikzpicture
option and use 200 samples instead of default number (30, if I remember correctly):
declare function = {f(\x)={abs(\x*\x-1)};}
\draw (-5,0) -- (5,0);
\draw[semithick, red] plot [domain=-2:2, samples=200] (2*\x,{f(\x)});
This is really just for fun. You can make TikZ reflect the parabola (or anything you draw) at the x axis (say) automatically. This can be done by installing a nonlinear transformation, which is in this case particularly simple.
\pgf@y=\myy pt}
\begin{scope}[transform shape nonlinear=true]
\draw (-5,0)--(5,0);
\draw (-4,6) parabola bend (0,-2) (4,6);
As one can see, there are small gaps, so the solution is not as perfect as Skillmon's solution.