Can't persist emojis with mysql and hibernate

I once had the same problem. I don't know a pretty solution but this had worked for me.

After I created the Session object I changed the connection collation by hand:

s.doReturningWork(new ReturningWork<Object>() {
    public Object execute(Connection conn) throws SQLException
        try(Statement stmt = conn.createStatement()) {
            stmt.executeQuery("SET NAMES utf8mb4");

        return null;

if you are using hibernate with c3p0, you can use c3p0 config connectionCustomizerClassName whitch you can set to a class doing work with connections c3p0 got.



<property name="hibernate.c3p0.connectionCustomizerClassName">com.hzmoyan.newlyappserver.db.C3p0UseUtf8mb4</property>

C3p0UseUtf8mb4 class

public class C3p0UseUtf8mb4 extends  AbstractConnectionCustomizer{
    public void onAcquire(Connection c, String parentDataSourceIdentityToken)
        throws Exception {
        super.onAcquire(c, parentDataSourceIdentityToken);
        try(Statement stmt = c.createStatement()) {
            stmt.executeQuery("SET NAMES utf8mb4");

The solution is to use utf8mb4 rather than utf8 in MySQL. The blog post I linked to explains how to do just that.