Can't require() default export value in Babel 6.x


You have to use



Babel 5 used to have a compatibility hack for export default: if a module contained only one export, and it was a default export, it was assigned to module.exports. So, for example, your module app.js

export default function () {}

would be transpiled to this

"use strict";

Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", {
  value: true

exports["default"] = function () {};

module.exports = exports["default"];

This was done purely for compatibility with require-ing Babel-transpiled modules (like you are doing). It was also inconsistent; if a module contained both named and default exports, it could not be require-d.

In reality, according to the ES6 module spec, a default export is no different than a named export with the name default. It is just syntactic sugar which can be statically resolved at compile time, so this

import something from './app';

is the same as this

import { default as something } from './app';

That being said, it appears that Babel 6 decided to drop the interoperability hack when transpiling modules. Now, your module app.js is transpiled as

'use strict';

Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", {
    value: true

exports.default = function () {};

As you see, no more assignment to module.exports. To require this module, you need to do


Just to follow up with the correct answer above.

If you wanna use default export behavior of babel@5, you can try babel-plugin-add-module-exports plugin.

It's working pretty well for me.

If this doesn't work




Without the function call at the end.