Can't return a promise chain with a catch block on the end

You just need to remove the catch block as below,

func checkIn(request: CheckinRequest) -> Promise<CheckinResponse> {
     let p = checkinService.checkIn(request: request)
          .then { r -> Promise<CheckinResponse> in
              return .value(r)
      return p

Using the catching block here is irrelevant as the error should be handled by the callee.

Guarantee class is a wrapper class to make discardable result calls. So we can create a method that will process the promise so that we will just use the .done callback to use that result as below,

extension Promise {

    func result() -> Guarantee<T> {
        return Guarantee<T>(resolver: { [weak self] (body) in
            self?.done({ (result) in
            }).catch({ (error) in

Now you can simply do,

let request = CheckinRequest()
checkinService.checkIn(request: request).result().done { response in
    // Check in response

You can still use chaining for multiple promises as below,

checkinService.checkIn(request: request).result().then { (result) -> Promise<Bool> in
        // Use reuslt
        return .value(true)
    }.done { bool in
    }.catch { (e) in