Can't set up the HMR: stuck with "Waiting for update signal from WDS..." in console

Ok so apparently this is what causing the issue. I added

disableHostCheck: true

to my webpack devServer config and it worked (note that it's just a workaround).

And I have no idea why there were no error messages in windows 10 (after I had booted my app from win7 the console was spamming with Invalid Host/Origin header

Home this helps someone.

I got this problem and apparently what caused my problem was having iframes with src="/blank.html" and I solved it by adding a proxy

proxy: {
    '/*.html': {
        target: 'https://something.else',
        changeOrigin: true

Having this error can mean that, you have a recursion, that is importing a component within itself. This can happen during refactoring of your code.