Can't use storyboard custom instantiated window controller
I hit the same problem, I thought about it a bit and here is how I worked around it.
First, why do I need this for ? I wanted to inject some dependencies to my view controller hierarchy before it's built from the Storyboard. I guess that's what the API is intended to. But then, would that method be working, how would I pass the injection information down the view controller hierarchy ?
So, as the method is working without bug for view controllers, I decided to inject the information directly at the root view controller.
So, I have in my storyboard :
- A window controller scene named "my-window-controller", which window just points to an empty view controller.
- A view controller scene named "root-view-controller", where all the view hierarchy is described.
And wherever I want to create that view controller, I just do :
func instanciateWindowController(storyboard: NSStoryboard) -> NSWindowController {
// Load the (empty) window controller scene
let wcSceneIdentifier = NSStoryboard.SceneIdentifier("my-window-controller")
let windowController = storyboard.instantiateController(withIdentifier: wcSceneIdentifier)
as! NSWindowController
// Load the root view controller using the creator trick to inject dependencies
let vcSceneIdentifier = NSStoryboard.SceneIdentifier("root-view-controller")
let viewController = storyboard.instantiateController(identifier: vcSceneIdentifier,
creator: { coder in
return MyOwnViewController.init(coder: coder,
text: "Victoire !") // just pass here your injection info
// Associate the window controller and the root view controller
windowController.contentViewController = viewController
return windowController
class MyOwnViewController: MSViewController {
init?(coder: NSCoder,
text: String) { // receive here the injection information
print(text) // use the injection information here
super.init(coder: coder)
// Not used, but required
required init?(coder: NSCoder) {
super.init(coder: coder)