Apple - Can terminal be launched via keyboard shortcut: CTRL+ALT+T?
Keyboard Maestro
You can do this with Keyboard Maestro, using a macro such as this:
You can set up a custom hotkey to launch an app using a workflow:
Go to the workflows tab, create a new workflow and add a hotkey and a 'launch apps' with Terminal selected as the app to launch.
You can use KeyRemap4MacBook with a private.xml such as this:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<name>Activate Terminal with ⌘Space</name>
KeyCode::SPACE, VK_COMMAND | ModifierFlag::NONE,
Automator Service
You can create a service in Automator:
…then in System Preferences → Keyboard → Shortcuts → Services you can assign a keyboard command to run it.
5 months late, but I think this bit is useful.
As far as an automator solution goes this is probably a little better. Instead of running finder just use an applescript. ie add action "Utilities Run AppleScript". Run this script:
on run {input, parameters}
tell application "Terminal"
do script " "
end tell
return input
end run
This will not only open terminal, when run multiple times it will open multiple windows. Then just add a hotkey for it in services (under keyboard), as explained in George Garside's answer.
I was able to achieve the same behavior as Ubuntu Ctrl+Alt+T by combining following two steps:
Set up an Automator service to open
: Open Automator app, select "Quick Action" from the menuand assign it a keyboard shortcut Ctrl+command+T.
This will open the app but won't open any more windows (so if the app is open the keyboard shortcut doesn't have an effect).
Add an iTerm2 key mapping to open subsequent windows. In iTerm2 preferences:
There you have it, no external app needed but far from straight forward