can we do post order traversal using morris algo code example

Example: can we do post order traversal using morris algo

//This is Post Order :children before node( L ,R , N)
void morrisPostorderTraversal(Node *root){

// Making our tree left subtree of a dummy Node
Node *dummyRoot = new Node(0);
dummyRoot->left = root;

//Think of P as the current node 
Node *p = dummyRoot, *pred, *first, *middle, *last;

    if(p->left == NULL){
        p = p->right;
    } else{
        /* p has a left child => it also has a predeccessor
           make p as right child predeccessor of p    
        pred = p->left;
        while(pred->right!=NULL && pred->right != p){
            pred = pred->right;

        if(pred->right == NULL){ 

            // predeccessor found for first time
            // modify the tree

            pred->right = p;    
            p = p->left;

        }else {                          

           // predeccessor found second time
           // reverse the right references in chain from pred to p
            first = p;
            middle = p->left;              
                last = middle->right;
                middle->right = first;
                first = middle;
                middle = last;

            // visit the nodes from pred to p
            // again reverse the right references from pred to p    
            first = p;
            middle = pred;

                cout<<" "<<middle->data;  
                last = middle->right;          
                middle->right = first;
                first = middle;
                middle = last;

            // remove the pred to node reference to restore the tree structure
            pred->right = NULL;    
            p = p-> right;


Misc Example