Can we share some contents of App.config between projects?

Only the "running" app.config is used, but you can go external like marc_s says.

You can also create a .Settings file that's "shared". Go to the "shared" project properties, the Settings tab on the left, create a setting with Application scope, and set the Access Modifier on top to Public. In your other project you can then use ClassLibrary1.Properties.Settings.Default.SettingName to access it. It will be strongly typed, but you may need it at compile time.

Yes - of course. Any configuration section can be "externalized" - e.g.:

<appSettings configSource="AppSettings.DEV.config" />
<connectionStrings configSource="MyConnection.config" />


      <smtp configSource="smtp.TEST.config" />


      <smtp configSource="smtp.PROD.config" />

Any configuration section can be put into a separate file that can be shared between projects - but no configuration section groups, and unfortunately, it's sometimes a bit tricky to know which is which.

Also, in some cases, Visual Studio will complain (using red wavy underlines) that the "configSource" supposedly isn't valid - but it is - it's defined on the ConfigurationSection object in the .NET config system.

another feature that hardly enough developers seem to know and use is the ability in Visual Studio to add existing files from a different project as a link:

alt text

With this, you can add links to files into your local project, and they'll always be kept up to date. Great productivity booster if you need to do some file-level sharing (like for common configuration files or such)!

Try this:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
  <appSettings file="PROD.config">
    <add key="common.Currency" value="GBP" />

Something I like to do, especially when trying to coordinate ServiceModel elements between libraries and tests is to use configSource to fragment the config in the target library and simply link/copy always the fragments in my test projects.

That way I only maintain in one location.

You could take it one step farther and simply have a common directory in the solution and link the fragments in all projects.


