can you assign a pid to a process via python code example

Example: can you assign a pid to a process via python

def main():
    # Fetch information for current processes:
    proc_info_old = get_proc_info()

    # Extract list of PIDs:
    pids_old = get_all(proc_info_old, "ProcessId")

    # Do something that starts one or more new processes:
    os.system('start notepad.exe')

    # Fetch information for current processes:
    proc_info_new = get_proc_info()

    # Extract list of PIDs:
    pids_new = get_pids(proc_info_new, "ProcessId")

    # Determine PIDs which are only in pids_new, not in pids_old:
    new_pids = list(set(pids_new) - set(pids_old))

    # Output new PIDs and the associated command line:
    for pid in new_pids:
        cmd = get_for(proc_info_new, "ProcessId", pid, "CommandLine")
        test.log("PID: %s" % pid)
        test.log("CMD: %s" % cmd)

    os.system("taskkill /f /im notepad.exe")

def get_all(proc_info, get_name):
    res = []
    for pi in proc_info:
    return res

def get_for(proc_info, look_for_name, look_for_value, get_name):
    for pi in proc_info:
        if pi[look_for_name] == look_for_value:
            return pi[get_name]
    return None

def get_proc_info(search_expression=None):
    if search_expression is None:
        search_expression = ""
        search_expression = " WHERE " + search_expression

    # Execute with wmic and capture output:
    s = 'pushd "' + os.getcwd() + '" && wmic PROCESS ' + search_expression + ' GET * /format:csv <nul'
    d = subprocess.Popen(s, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT).communicate()[0];

    # Strip first empty line produced by wmic:
    d = d[3:]

    # Write to file (to later read via testData API):
    fn = "temp.csv"
    f =, "w", "utf8")

    # Read via testData API:
    dataset = testData.dataset(fn)
    all_proc_info = []
    for row in dataset:
        proc_info = {}
        field_names = testData.fieldNames(row)
        for n in field_names:
            v = testData.field(row, n)
            proc_info[n] = v
    return all_proc_info


Misc Example