Can you change the "Customer" label in salesforce communities?

The way we ended up doing this was with some css magic in the header file

.chatterUserGuestBadge {
word-spacing: -999px;
letter-spacing: -999px;
visibility: hidden;

and if you want to replace it with something

.chatterUserGuestBadge:after {
content: "(Coach)";
visibility: visible;
word-spacing: normal;
letter-spacing: normal;

you can replace the content with any text you want

not a perfect solution but it does work

(Customer) shows up when the CompanyName field on a Customer Community User's CompanyName field is blank. You could either populate this field with a more acceptable value across the board. Also, when creating a User from a Contact, you could populate the field with the Account's Name.

SalesForce gave control over this in the Winter 2017 release. See

go to Communities- All Communities- select "Workspaces" next to the relevant community - then Administration - Members - Community Role - (select custom)

