Can you debug VBScript in Visual Studio?

For future readers.

This will work in a pinch.

"C:\Windows\System32\cscript.exe" /x MyFile.vbs

You will be prompted....and you can start a new instance of VS 2xxx (<< Whatever version is installed on your computer).

Not how to do it if you do it all the time..but good for every once in a while.

First of all VBScript is an interpreted language and does not need to be compiled.

But yes, you can debug your VBScript file inside Visual Studio. Under "Tools / External Tools" you have to register the Windows Script Host (CScript.exe or WScript.exe) once with some startup parameters (to make it available in the Tools menu):

Title:             VBScript Debug
Command:           C:\Windows\System32\cscript.exe
Arguments:         //nologo //X $(ItemPath)
Initial directory: $(ItemDir)
Check "Use Output window"
Hit the OK button

enter image description here

Then, just open the file you want to debug with Visual Studio (via File --> Open --> File...)

In order to start the debugger, just click "Tools / VBScript Debug".

enter image description here

The VS JIT debugger asks you, which debugger you want to use. Just select your *.vbs file and click Yes.

Note: This answer is still valid and works with Visual Studio 2019 & 2022.