Can you extend a HTMLDivElement in TypeScript?

A bit late, but apparently it's still not possible to extend HTMLDivElement. A simple way to solve extending a DIV: just use CSS to make a generic HTMLElement behave like a div.


 my-element {


class MyElement extends HTMLElement{
      this.innerHTML = "I behave exactly like a div"

window.customElements.define('my-element', MyElement);

Also you can 'extend' the HTMLDivElement interface with data members if you wish, not by using extends since it is not a class, but by adding it via the interface. TypeScript interfaces are 'open ended', see page 85 of the spec under 'declaration merging'.

for example, the below adds the member 'mydata' of type string to the HTMLDivElement interface.

interface HTMLDivElement {

    mydata : string;


// now we can assign a value

 var div = <HTMLDivElement>document.getElementById("myDiv"); 

 div.mydata = "test";

Really late to the show, but these days yet another approach is possible. Rather than adding fields to the interface HTMLDivElement one can create a new interface like

interface QuizElement extends HTMLDivElement {
  quizScore: number;

and then create QuizElement objects like

const quizzi: QuizElement = Object.assign(document.createElement("div"), {
  quizScore: 0,

Compared to other proposed approaches, this does not "pollute" HTMLDivElement with additional fields in the scope of QuizElement.

You can't extend HTMLDivElement because it isn't declared as a class. This makes sense, because the underlying native type doesn't make sense to extend.

You have two alternative options.

Option 1: Implements!

Because HTMLDivElement is an interface, you can implement it...

class QuizElement implements HTMLDivElement {

You would have to implement all of the properties and methods of the interface. You probably don't want to do this.

Option 2: Delegation.

You can expose the specific properties and methods you want to make available on your QuizElement class and then delegate to an actual HTMLDivElement instance. Quick example below:

class QuizElement {
    private element: HTMLDivElement;

    constructor(id: string) {
        this.element = <HTMLDivElement>document.getElementById(id);

    set innerHTML(content: string) {
        this.element.innerHTML = content;

var quizElement = new QuizElement('quiz');

quizElement.innerHTML = 'Example';

