Cannot access a disposed object. A common cause of this error is disposing a context

This is because of your method return type async void. In general, when you are using async void in your code it’s bad news, because:

  • You can’t wait for its completion
  • Any unhandled exceptions will terminate your process (ouch!)

So return async Task instead of async void from your method as follows:

public async Task OnGet(int id)
    Book = await _db.Books.SingleOrDefaultAsync(x => x.Id == id);

    if(Book == null)

For more details:

  • C# – beware of async void in your code

  • Cannot access a disposed object in ASP.NET Core when injecting DbContext

What I am about to post is NOT the answer to this particular question. But it is related so just to save somebody headache I am posting it. I was encountering this same error

System.ObjectDisposedException: Cannot access a disposed object. etc

The following was the code with the bug (can you see it?):

public StatusCodeResult ProcessOxxoSpeiTicketEmailAsync(string paymentIdx)
    var paymentId = paymentIdx.DecodeRef();
    var response = _orderEngine.ProcessOxxoSpeiTicketEmailAsync(paymentId);

    return StatusCode(200);

The following change fixed it:

public async Task<StatusCodeResult> ProcessOxxoSpeiTicketEmailAsync(string paymentIdx)
    var paymentId = paymentIdx.DecodeRef();
    var response = await _orderEngine.ProcessOxxoSpeiTicketEmailAsync(paymentId);
                // ^^^^I HAD FORGOTTEN TO PUT AWAIT
    return StatusCode(200);

Yes that's right I had forgotten to put "await" before a function that used an EF Core dbcontext. Adding 'await' fixed it. So easy to miss it, especially if you're tired and under deadline.