Cannot build a hello world program with Stack because of flag bytestring--lt-0_10_4
For bypassing the issue with the bytestring--lt
Use --nix
and --resolver
with a former lts version for stack commands:
stack new myproject --nix --resolver lts-9.14
stack setup --nix --resolver lts-9.14
stack build --nix --resolver lts-9.14
It is not necessary, but so as to install a more recent version of stack
First, we have to add the nixos-unstable
channel so as to pick a more recent version of stack from it:
nix-channel --add '' unstable
nix-channel --update
Then, update the nixos configuration.nix
file so as to install the unstable version of stack:
{ config, pkgs, ... }:
unstable = import <unstable> {};
in {
environment.systemPackages = [ unstable.stack ];
and rebuild the system:
$ nixos-rebuild reboot