Cannot convert value of type 'Published<Bool>.Publisher' to expected argument type 'Binding<Bool>'

** Still new to Combine & SwiftUI so not sure if there is better way to approach **

You can initalize Binding from publisher.

let binding = Binding(
    get: { [weak self] in
        (self?.showPasswordReset ?? false)
    set: { [weak self] in
        self?.showPasswordReset = $0

PasswordResetView(isPresented: binding)

Here is possible approach - the idea to make possible observation in generated view and avoid tight coupling between factory & presenter.

Tested with Xcode 12 / iOS 14 (for older systems some tuning might be needed)

protocol ResetViewModel {
    var showPasswordReset: Bool { get set }

struct PasswordResetView<Model: ResetViewModel & ObservableObject>: View {
    @ObservedObject var resetModel: Model

    var body: some View {
        if resetModel.showPasswordReset {
            Text("Show password reset")
        } else {
            Text("Show something else")

class LoginViewModel: ObservableObject, Identifiable, ResetViewModel {
    @Published var mailAdress: String = ""
    @Published var password: String = ""
    @Published var showRegister = false
    @Published var showPasswordReset = false

    private let applicationStore: ApplicationStore

    init(applicationStore: ApplicationStore) {
        self.applicationStore = applicationStore

    var passwordResetView: some View {
        PasswordResetView(resetModel: self)