Cannot disable matInput element with [formControlName]
If you are using a FormGroup, then you should not disable the form in the HTML Template. It will not work if you try to disable in HTML together with FormControl. Instead, it should be done within the FormGroup. Try this:
template: `
<mat-form-field [formGroup]="form">
<input matInput placeholder='Name' [formControlName]="formControlName">
ngOnInit() {
this.form ={
name: new FormControl({ value: '', disabled: this.disabled })
Also...not a big deal should really be doing:
public form: FormGroup;
instead of:
public form: any;
Don't forget the import as well
import { FormGroup, FormControl } from '@angular/forms';
Btw, the name inside of the form group declaration should match whatever you have set in the HTML. So:
<input formControlName="myInputName">
this.form ={
<mat-form-field fxFlex>
<input matInput placeholder="No" formControlName="no" readonly>
Have you tried readonly option. This works fine with me.
Working code: html:
<mat-form-field fxFlex>
<input matInput placeholder="No" formControlName="no" readonly>
In case you need to bind it to a disabled
property of your component
<input matInput [readonly]="disabled" (keyup)="search()"
[formControl]="..." class="...">